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April 29, 2022 Category: Jobs (8 minutes read)

5 Ways to Improve Wellbeing at Work

It is now a priority to be well-being at work. Take the Workforce attitudes Towards Behaviour Health report.

Employee engagement programs and corporate wellness programs are not new to the field of retention. However, employees are not happy, motivated, or productive at work.

You should consider how your employees feel at work. This is especially important considering that 91 per cent of employees who feel cared about say they are more likely to refer to their company as a great place to others (compared to 9% who don't feel cared for).

Work has shifted its focus to creating an inclusive workplace that combines productivity, fulfilment and, most recently, well-being over the past decade. It's time to incorporate well being at work into your employee engagement strategy if you want to ensure your workforce is happy at work.

1. Financial well-being and a sense of security can be combined to create a feeling of safety.

Safety is an essential aspect of well-being. How can employees be productive, engaged, and focused if they can't afford to live at home?

The most influential generation in the workplace is the millennials. They are also the most indebted generation, with an average of $27,900, which results in unimaginable levels of stress.

Offering financial workshops or advice could make a big difference to a population struggling with student debt and a hectic lifestyle. The immediate benefits include stress reduction and improved well-being at the office. It also strengthens your company's position as one that cares about its employees, both inside and outside the workplace.

2. Mindfulness can help you balance the ups and downs of work.

Open spaces are great for collaboration. Overstimulation is a side effect of being immersed in social conversations.

Employees who are unable to cope can lead to conflictual relationships and productivity repercussions. 70% of workers said that conflict with a colleague affected their ability to concentrate at work. Unresolved workplace conflicts can have negative effects on the culture of the workplace and increase stress for those involved.

Do you give employees the opportunity to "release steam"?

It is simple to create a quiet space at work. Employees can use it as a place to relax after a busy day or to get away from the noise and focus. It's a bonus that these safe spaces are not connected to technology. They help employees reconnect with their humanity and combat digital over-stimulation.

3. Make sure your workplace supports physical well-being

Sedentary work is bad for your health. Long sitting periods would increase the chance of dying from heart disease and cancer.

A work environment that supports physical well-being is essential. Revision of drink options: Do they offer coffee free of charge or a variety of teas and infused waters?

Promoting movement - Do you have a gym or promote sports through dedicated wellness programs?

Adjusting natural lighting: Natural sunlight can improve mood, sleep quality, and fight depression. Natural light is known for improving employees' productivity and mindset. Even if you are unable to make any structural changes in your open space, changing to natural light bulbs can have a positive effect on employees' mental health.

4. Recognize your colleagues to improve social well-being in the workplace

This fourth industrial revolution has arrived and promises to improve how we work by making it more human-centred and collaborative. Positive workplace culture and well-being will help companies to improve their market potential and organizational culture.

Recognizing employees is a way to strengthen relationships between coworkers and improve social well-being. Recognizing employees can improve the performance of your employees by increasing engagement and productivity. 90 per cent of employees believe that recognition motivates them to work harder. Ninety-two per cent also agree that when they are recognized for an action they took, it makes them more likely to do the same thing again.

Positive workplace culture is more than an attitude. Recognizing your humanity is a sign that you are putting humanity at the core of your core values.

5. At your own risk, ignore anxiety at work

Did you know that two-thirds of employees feel burned out at work? Burnout can have a devastating impact on employee well-being. 

Business leaders often consider it a top priority to address the issue of "how to improve workplace well-being". It is clear that employee well-being is a benefit to any organization. It can be difficult to remember just how vital your health is for your work performance. Employees often forget how important good health is to their work performance until they become sick and need to take a day off.

Research has consistently shown that employees who are motivated, healthy, and focused perform better in organizations. 

An employer that values health and well-being at work will not only reduce absenteeism but also attract and retain talent, increase productivity, and improve morale.

Organizations can make small changes to ensure that well-being is a top priority in the day-to-day lives of their employees.

Ideagen has compiled five ways to improve employee happiness in your workplace.


It can be detrimental to the mind and body to worry about the future and dwell on the past. There are simple ways that we can become more present and mindful by paying attention to how we feel right now.

It can help employees be more mindful of your company.

  • Regular mindfulness sessions should be held
  • Training on mindfulness and how to be more mindful.
  • Encourage employees to take breaks during the workday and slow down.

Mindfulness does not have to be practised for hours a day. It can simply be as simple as noticing what is going on around you and taking a moment to notice.

Stress Awareness

In recent years, anxiety, depression, and work stress have all increased. Recent years have seen an increase in anxiety, depression, work stress, and other mental disorders. This was made worse by the pandemic, which created new problems that have put a great strain on people's mental health. An organization can take many measures to reduce stress at work. For example, encouraging employees to:

  • Take a walk after lunch
  • Focus on one task at a time to avoid multitasking
  • Stay organized
  • Avoid conflict
  • To avoid burnout, get clear on the requirements of tasks

Workers should be encouraged and supported to check in with their colleagues to ensure that they are making time for themselves or engaging in activities they enjoy. Stress management is also about taking the time to exercise, eat right, and get enough sleep.

Social connection

  • Research has shown that employees who are close to their colleagues at work are happier and healthier. This leads to higher work performance. Many people find having good friends at work is essential to their success.
  • For colleagues to relax and socialize, create a social space
  • Encourage team building and offer resources to support this
  • Volunteer events and lunches can help you connect with different departments
  • Find reasons to celebrate and gather people together.

It does not mean that everyone should be best friends at work to foster positive relationships. It is more about creating a positive social atmosphere in which peers feel like they belong.

Awareness of psychosocial and mental health risks

There are many ways to raise awareness about mental health and other psychosocial risks. You might consider implementing company-wide training in well-being or embedding mental health training into new starter inductions. 

This promotes an environment of openness and allows employees to share their problems. This may mean that managers will need additional training on how to deal with sensitive and difficult conversations.

Learning and Development

A key part of being happy at work is feeling fulfilled and feeling purposeful. This is often overlooked. Opportunities to learn and grow are important. This can be in the form of learning lunches, formal training courses or walking. Employees will be more motivated and focused if they find work enjoyable.

Although your company might be proud to be a great employer, it could also be putting too much pressure on employees. Your company may be a great employer, but it could also be affecting employees' well-being and health. The demands of the workplace are a major source of stress for many Americans. Research has shown that design can have significant effects on employee well being and health, as well as on health care costs.

Managers have the good news that it is possible to design work in a way that supports well-being and provides long-term benefits. Recent research has shown that fostering worker well-being in the workplace can not only improve worker health but also result in better business results such as higher job performance (including greater productivity) and lower employee burnout.

Redesigning work can be done without spending a lot of money. It can be a worthwhile investment. One example is the positive ROI of an IT division at a Fortune 500 company due to its lower turnover costs. These strategies can also improve organizational resilience.

We recently reviewed and synthesized data from research that relates to employee well-being with the support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The framework for "work design to health" and the toolkit was then created. This allows employers to improve their work practices and benefit employees' health as well as the company's. Consider the following seven strategies as a starting point:

Workplaces should be given more control. Research shows that having less control over work is linked to poor mental health and higher rates of heart disease. Employee well-being can be affected by even small changes to worker autonomy. For example, a study done in a customer service centre found that employees were happier when they received more training to help them take on more tasks and solve more customer complaints.


