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August 1, 2022 Category: Business (6 minutes read)

7 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Deal with People They Dislike

It can be easy to see how water cooler gossip or corporate intrigue are the worst time-wasters. . . Until you work alone as an entrepreneur, you start to lose the social connections you once had.

Although the myth of the garage-based entrepreneur may make solo work look glamorous, the truth is that it can be stressful and affect your job satisfaction. You can fix this by creating your team. However, it is easier to get involved with others. Get involved in Meetup in your local community, participate in Toastmasters and attend workshops to build relationships.

You will not only reap the social benefits of your connections, but you could also be able to open up new business opportunities through these new connections.

Tact is more critical than temper.

Be calm. This is the key to understanding how to treat everyone respectfully and civically. This doesn't mean that you must agree with everyone you disagree with or follow their lead. However, keeping professionalism when you interact with them is essential.

Don't be soft on the person but firm on the issue. You should be able to focus on the problems that need fixing rather than attacking someone. This will help you to be professional and positive in every situation.

Please do not take everything personally, no matter how it was meant.

People often do what they do for themselves and not because they are there. You may be reacting against something they have in their lives. Try broadening your view. A broader perspective can reduce misinterpretation.

It is possible to be proactive with someone you are dealing with. You have many options for reacting calmly but also decisively. It would help if you had a clear idea of what to do. This will help you avoid a "ping-pong effect", where you react to others and they respond to you. Every situation is both about the person and the issue. Focus on the subject and not the person.

Do not let yourself be dragged down.

It is easy to feel hurtful or angry at a toxic person, especially when their behavior seems bizarre or frustrating. However, you could be called a troublemaker if you get involved in disputes and stoop to their level.

Do not let your emotions take over or be consumed by their antics. You don't have to react to their chaos. It is possible to choose to rise above the clutter by focusing on facts, rational responses, and a positive outlook. If necessary, you can point out specific issues and problems but be diplomatic.

Bond with like-minded individuals

Do not go into battle by yourself. Instead, find others to help you. It's difficult to see the bigger picture when you are deeply ensconced in a relationship or with a difficult person.

You can find trustworthy, like-minded people that will make you feel less alone and supported. They can be objective and help you brainstorm solutions. Sometimes all we want is to feel validated and heard. We can move forward when we feel validated. Trusting that others are there for you can help you be resilient and strong enough to tackle any situation.

Manage Minor tasks

Many entrepreneurs leap into business owners simply because they are skilled in a particular skill. For example, are you a strong writer? You are now a freelancer and take on assignments for businesses and publications all over the globe.

You're more than a writer. You are also a bookkeeper, CFO, marketing specialist, and account manager. Many of the administrative tasks you would have done in previous jobs are now yours.

These activities can take time away from your business growth, so it is a good idea to automate whenever possible. 

These services might be helpful:

Matthew Toren, co-founder of YoungEntrepreneur.com, "Business automation is especially valuable to entrepreneurs because your most significant constraint is often on your time. While you may be running your startup with a small staff, you still need to have the growth and results of an established business.

Repetitive tasks

As an example, bookkeeping is an easy task that can be automated. What about the smaller, repetitive tasks that aren't as easy to automate? Outsourcing can be your best friend.

For example, let's say you manage your inbox. Your business will grow, which means you will receive more email inquiries. While responding to all messages you receive is essential, it is not something you should do.

It is far more efficient to offer a virtual assistant with templates that can be used in specific situations. Hire VAs via services such as Upwork and Zirtual, or ask your network to recommend them.

Before hiring an assistant, ensure you fully understand this person's role in your organization. 

Brandon Turner, co-host on the BiggerPockets podcast, shared his story Entrepreneur about how his first hire was a disaster.

Turner wrote, "I wasn't sure what the assistant would do." "I assumed that they would jump in and help. But unfortunately, it was also very time-consuming to train the assistant, so they didn't have much to do.

How to manage a schedule

Many entrepreneurs know that the time you spend scheduling your meetings can equal the time you spend booking them. You can reclaim your time using a scheduling app such as Pick. co to schedule appointments and coordinate travel, mainly if you work with other time zones.

A second tip to control your schedule is to keep a "to-not-do" list alongside your "to-do" list. Your calendar will not fill up with unnecessary meetings if you know how to prioritize your time.

Analytical Checking

This is something you should know. Monitoring and measuring your business's analytics are crucial to your long-term success. James Wittering wrote this article for the Astute website.

"Metrics are crucial for any business, no matter how big or small. They help you track your progress and determine what's working. As a result, metrics can help you improve your business and make it more profitable.

I understand that you don't want to spend your time worrying about campaign performance, traffic monitoring, and analytics. However, automating custom Google Analytics reports to simplify your reporting and get only the necessary information is possible. Moz's Analytics Automation Guide will demonstrate how.


In 2009, when I started my first marketing agency, I was overwhelmed by the amount of work required to run a business. We needed content for our company blog and press releases for industry news sites, and I wanted to start guest posting. Everywhere I turned, I saw another piece of content.

Over time, I learned to write quickly -- something that has had a tremendous impact on my 

brand. Outsourcing is your only option if writing is not something you are comfortable with. You can hire content marketing agencies or freelance writers to help you. However, if you want your style to be preserved, I recommend hiring them to edit articles and outlines you created yourself.


You can't wholly outsource communication. As mentioned above, you can hire a VA. Still, I recommend looking into tools that reduce the time spent scouring email threads for buried conversations, tracking conversations, and keeping everyone informed.

Slack is my favorite tool. It makes it easier to have conversations, and archived searches keep me in touch with my team and allow me to communicate with people working on different projects quickly. It's free and easy to use. It's easy and free. The time you will save is priceless.



