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August 8, 2022 Category: Human Resources (3 minutes read)

Crafting Your Job for Greater Satisfaction at Work

Job crafting is usually informal and involves shaping your work environment (task crafting), your relationships with others (relational crafting), and your thoughts about your job (cognitive craft).

Job crafting is about changing your job to reflect what you are good at, what is important to you, and what interests you.

We conducted a study for the Australian Psychological Society's 2021 Psychology Week titled 'Working Minds'. We looked at how job crafting relates to a passion for work, personal well-being, and the ease with which individuals can ask for help.


Employees who -

 1) take the initiative to make their jobs more in line with their values, strengths, and interests,

 2) are passionate about their work but don't let their work take over their lives, and

 3) feel comfortable speaking up and seeking support at work report the highest levels.

These findings are significant because more people are questioning their priorities in their work and their lives generally due to the pandemic.

According to reports, people are looking for managers who care about employee well-being and workplaces that offer this.

Initiatives promoting work-life balance, enhancing their development, and giving meaning can help. They may have to leave their job if they don't receive this support from their workplace. This is what's being called the "great resignation" era.

Workplaces must adapt to this shift in employee expectations. They must look for ways to make work more enjoyable and valuable for their employees.

It is crucial to allow staff to have more control of their work while still meeting company goals. Also, create psychologically safe workplaces that encourage employees to explore new ideas. This will likely lead to higher employee engagement and well-being and, ultimately, the retention of highly valued employees.

We also noticed that employees from specific industries, such as healthcare and telecom, were more likely to engage in job crafting than those who were not in management or less senior positions.

It is essential to give all employees the chance to work craft, regardless of their industry. However, there are limitations to what they can do.

It is also essential to understand how jobs are organized and managed. In addition, employers may benefit from our research on how job design can help workers feel safer at work.

Each worker has a unique set of skills, values, and perspectives that can help make their work experience more enjoyable and increase their commitment to their job.

Employees can think about how they can use job crafting creatively and proactively to connect with their work. Employers should foster a culture where their workers feel psychologically secure to speak up and explore job crafting opportunities regardless of their industry or position.

For workplaces, there are some tips: Encourage job crafting by encouraging open communication and performance reviews to normalize it and give staff training on appropriate ways to job craft. This is not about giving up your work.

Employees can identify their strengths and how they could be used more often in their job. They can also think about proactive ways to make their job a win-win and present a plan to their boss.

No matter what your current career situation is, it's important to be aware of the different things that can make you unhappy at work. By understanding the root causes of dissatisfaction, you can proactively take steps to create a job that better suits your needs and leads to a more fulfilling career. Keep these ideas in mind the next time you're feeling unhappy in your current role - it might be time for a change.


