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July 26, 2021 Category: Local Jobs (3 minutes read)

Can’t Find A Job? Try These Tips To Land One Right After College

According to the New York Fed, unemployment rates among fresh graduates increased in the second quarter of 2019. For the first time ever in American history, fresh graduates are more likely to be unemployed than any other workforce group, according to HuffPost.

Take matters into your own hands to ensure you get a job as you get out of college. Here are some of the best tips that can help you land your first job:

Apply for jobs before you graduate

The process of getting a job can take a while. Most people say it’s all up to luck about when and where you get placed. We, at Jobslog, don’t believe that. We encourage those about to graduate to begin looking for jobs at their earliest.

There are certain employment seasons in the year when the market requires new recruits; this process can begin months before you even graduate. That doesn’t mean you don’t qualify. Apply for job opportunities while completing your degree. Even if you don’t end up getting the job, you get some practice with the recruitment processes of different organizations.

Use your free time to volunteer

During your degree or even once you’ve graduated and are just waiting to land a job, sign up for volunteer work. You can list your community service on your resume too. Not only does it show that you like to give back to the community, but it also shows employers that you’re eager to work and don’t waste time. Volunteering for various causes helps you gain special skills and interact with many people. You might even meet potential employers in the process.

Work experience while you complete your degree

Just look around your class in college, have you ever thought about what differentiates you from everyone else? With the same level of skills, you really have to work hard to set yourself apart from the crowd when applying for jobs. What you do in your free time while completing your degree is an essential part of landing your dream job.

Do various internships while in college. Not only is this favorable when it comes to applying for a full-time job, but it also shows employers your drive to work. Doing internships helps you learn various skills too, since on-the-job training is quite common. If the organization likes your work, they might even offer you a position permanently once you graduate. Additionally, internships are a great way to network with employers.

Tweak your resume

Have you ever considered that you might not be getting callbacks from job applications because of your CV? Many individuals don’t know the essential information for preparing a CV. There’s a method to create an attractive resume. You have to list the most important information at the top, without any fluff, since recruiters can see right through it.

When sending in a resume for a particular job, make sure you add keywords that have been mentioned in the job description of the job posting. Many organizations run their resumes through software to shortlist candidates. The software shortlists based on keywords and other specifications fed in. You will thus have to tweak your CV every time for a new job application.

Take classes

 If you haven’t yet found a job, sign up for a class. After graduating, taking more classes is probably the last thing you want to do, but it really helps. Online classes from reputable institutions and schools can help you fill in any gaps of knowledge as well as help with job specialization; after all, it’s the “Age of Hyper-specialization.”

To look for part-time or full-time jobs, sign up with an online job search engine like Jobslog. We are an online job posting site that lists the latest vacancies by some of the largest organizations. Take a look at the companies we cater to and post your resume online.


